Singleton High School

Respect . Responsibility . Pride . Excellence

Telephone02 6571 1199

Uniform Guidelines

Singleton High School is a uniform wearing school. Our Uniform Policy is the result of extensive consultation with the school community.

Our promotion of uniform aims to ensure:

  • all students are equal
  • conflict is reduced
  • safety is heightened
  • identification of our students is clear
  • students take pride in our school

We trust that you and your child will support our uniform code and respect the endorsement of the uniform guidelines by our school community.

If for any reason a student is unable to be present in an appropriate uniform, they should provide a signed note from a parent or carer detailing the issue and requesting consideration for a nominated period of time.

Notes should be submitted to a Deputy Principal or Head Teacher Wellbeing for proper consideration.

We seek your assistance of our expectation that all students of Singleton High School wear full school uniform each day they attend school.

The cooperation of students, parents and carers in this matter is appreciated.

Important guidelines in relation to Workplace, Health and Safety (WHS) exist for student footwear. School shoes are black, enclosed, hard-covered shoes that protect the whole foot.

During Sport or Physical Education classes, students are to wear joggers that are fully enclosed and hard covered.