Singleton High School

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Design, Engineering & Technologies

... creativity is intelligence having fun ...


In Design, Engineering and Technologies (DET) students use a range of tools, materials and techniques in the design process and technological experiences through theory and practical lessons. As well as the mandatory study of technology, students can select from a range of elective DET subjects. DET is mandatory for all students in Y7 and Y8. Students can also select from a range of elective DET subjects.

The continuum of technology learning is based on students becoming increasingly sophisticated in their ability to design and produce solutions for authentic needs and opportunities.


  • engage learners through access to a wide variety of technology to make learning real
  • deep learning through student engagement 
  • academically rigorous curriculum to prepare students for life and work in the 21st century through project based learning
  • opportunities to learn and engage with a diverse array of technologies
  • a focus on technologies that are specific to industry
  • maximise opportunities for student choice of curriculum direction
  • promote knowledge and understanding of STEM concepts, careers and pathways


  • SHAPE excursions to Powerhouse museum to see best HSC projects from the year before
  • access to HSC Practical markers
  • design and construction of real world products: furniture, learning spaces, and technology systems
  • a variety of industry visits


  • state of the art equipment such as Laser engravers and 3D printers
  • resources and experiences are industry aligned with a focus on future workplaces
  • employability skills are incorporated into all that we do
  • makerSpaces and Workshops
  • access to a range of materials – Timber, Metal, Plastic, Composites
  • dedicated Trade Training Construction Area

Our Team

  • Jason Kolatchew  HEAD TEACHER
  • Mark Henderson Y12 YEAR ADVISER
  • Jesse Jones
  • Ash Moghaddas Y9 YEAR ADVISER
  • Tony Schmierer Y7 YEAR ADVISER
  • Daniel Styles COMPUTING



Y7 & Y8 Technology Mandatory

  • a rich and complex subject that provides students with opportunities to become technologically literate individuals capable of developing creative solutions to identified problems and situations.
  • practical course that engages students in design and production activities as they develop safe practices and refine skills working with varied materials and production technologies
  • authentic learning experiences provide students with a sense of satisfaction and are the foundation for life-long learning.
  • covers four subjects: Agriculture and Food Technologies, Digital Technology, Engineering Technology, Materials Technology

Y8 Information Systems Technologies

  • opportunities to explore computing technologies and their applications to the world around us

Y8 Industrial Tech: Metal, Timber, Engineering & Electronics

  • opportunities to engage in a diverse range of creative and practical experiences in Industrial Technology
  • employ planning, development, construction and evaluation skills
  • use these practical, problem solving activities to develop critical thinking skills


Y9 & Y10 Technologies & Design - Timber, Metal, Engineering, Electronics

  • all four materials can be used in a focus area
  • has a unique focus on creativity, innovation and the development of innovative design ideas
  • produce a Skills Based Project in each of the focus areas to provide the foundation skills required for the completing projects of their own design
  • follow a working drawing to produce a product that demonstrates skills involving hand tools, machinery and computer based technologies, applying creativity and time management skills
  • respond to design briefs and develop projects in areas of individual interest
  • design, production and evaluation of design ideas is communicated using a range of appropriate media and recorded in a Design Folio

Y9 Information Systems Technologies

  • opportunities to explore computing technologies and their applications to the world around us

STAGE 6: Y11 & Y12

Design and Technology 

  • provides students with the opportunities to develop time management, organisation and communication skills through the application of Design Theory, both practically and theoretically
  • in Year 11 students work through 2 Design Projects, developing the skill required to undertake a Major Design Project during the HSC year
  • the Major Design Project is developed throughout the HSC year and includes the documentation of evidence used to determine the best outcome for a need or problem identified
  • ongoing support is provided throughout the Major Design Project process

Industrial Technology - Automotive, Timber, Multimedia or Electronics

  • provides students with the opportunities to develop time management, organisation and communication skills, along with practical skills, through practical application of theory related to their chosen focus area
  • given the information required to develop knowledge and understanding of the Industry chosen and the opportunity to apply this knowledge to the development of a Major Project during the HSC year 

Engineering Studies 

  • focuses on the work of Engineers. Students explore the areas engineering over the course of 2 years
  • work requires the implementation of the engineering process, creativity and time management skills to successfully complete tasks to a quality standard
  • successful projects demonstrate in-depth research skills, understanding of engineering principles and practices, problem solving, written and graphical communication skill

Software Design and Development 

  • provides students with the opportunities to develop skills through theory work and practical activities
  • provided with the information required to develop the knowledge and understanding of hardware and software development approaches, as well as, the modification of software solutions, building, checking and developing a Software Solutions Project throughout the HSC course