Singleton High School

Respect . Responsibility . Pride . Excellence

Telephone02 6571 1199


... read books as one would breathe air, to fill up and live ...

English study is mandatory in NSW from Kindergarten to Year 12.

Students learn about the English language through written, spoken and visual texts of increasing complexity as they progress through their schooling. An understanding of the English language is central to how we communicate and essential for intellectual, social and emotional development.

The study of English should develop a love of literature and learning and be challenging and enjoyable. It develops skills to enable students to experiment with ideas and expression, to become active, independent and lifelong learners, to work with each other and to reflect on their learning.


  • raise literacy levels of all students
  • lift student engagement
  • develop communication skills
  • prepare students for work and adult life
  • see how literature broadens one’s perspective


  • Mission Mars 2020: whole school Project Based Learning Stage 5 STEAM initiative
  • Focus on Reading
  • Focus on Writing


  • Interschool debating
  • Sydney Writers’ Competition
  • ANZAC Day Essay Competition
  • Bell Shakespeare workshops
  • Visiting Writers workshops


  • Laura Fenwick HT & Y12 YEAR ADVISER
  • Natassja Butler
  • Shauna Byrnes
  • Mark Cunningham
  • Paul Janovsky
  • Clare Hurney
  • John Lacey
  • Michele Morgan


STAGE 4: Y7 & Y8

  • Year 7 English follows the NESA endorsed Stage 4 English Syllabus in class groupings determined by the Years 6-7 Transition committee
  • Year 8 English continues with Stage 4 English, in 2021 Y8 English classes have been rolled over from the 2020 Y7 English classes

STAGE 5: Y9 & Y10

  • Year 9 English. 2-3 classes are streamed based on their performance in Year 8 English, other classes are mixed ability classes
  • Year 10 English. 2-3 classes are streamed based on their performance in Year 9 English, other classes are mixed ability classes

STAGE 6: Y11 & Y12

  • Year 11 English students must enrol in one of three courses: English Advanced, English Standard or English Studies
  • English Advanced caters for students aiming for an ATAR and university entry
  • English Standard caters for students aiming for an ATAR and either university entry
  • English Studies caters for students who are looking for a HSC but are looking to enter the workforce at some stage during Years 11 and 12 or beyond, note that English Studies students may elect to sit for an English HSC examination that will make them eligible for an ATAR
  • students enrolled in one of the core courses may transfer down, but not up the course scale
  • English Advanced students may elect to take English Extension concurrently. Successful completion of the Year 11 English Extension course is a mandatory stepping stone to English Extension 1 and 2 in Year 12
  • all Year 12 English students must enrol in one of three courses: English Advanced, English Standard or English Studies
  • students who have successfully completed Year 11 English Extension may opt to take additional units in English: English Extension 1 and English Extension 2
  • students who elect English Extension 2 must be enrolled also in English Advanced and English Extension 1