Singleton High School

Respect . Responsibility . Pride . Excellence

Telephone02 6571 1199

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education

... intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong ...


PDHPE provides students with opportunities to explore issues that are likely to impact on the health, safety and wellbeing of themselves and others – now and in the future. Students also participate in challenging and enjoyable physical activity, improving their capacity to move with skill and confidence.


  • to sustain above state average results in PDHPE & CAFS in the HSC - this will be supported through the embedding of literacy strategies in Stages 4 and 5
  • achieve or exceed expected growth in student achievement in line with the Physical Literacy Continuum - this will be supported by implementing specific marking rubrics for ongoing assessment of practical and health learning outcomes


  • Y7 participate in a LifeSaving program delivered by Y9 PASS students
  • Y10 PASS participate in a sport and recreation excursion
  • Y11 PDHPE & Y12 SLR have the opportunity to achieve a First Aid certificate
  • all elective courses support primary and small schools carnivals

Our Team

  • Skye Lawrence HEAD TEACHER
  • Carlee Burns Y10 YEAR ADVISER
  • Georgia Cuttriss
  • Georgia Douglas
  • Amber Gallagher
  • Emma Redgrove
  • Thomas Westcott


Health and Physical Activity is paramount to a lifetime of wellbeing free of disease or illness. The content in our courses builds students skills to develop physically, socially and emotionally while learning about topics such as relationships, consent and sexual health, drug and alcohol issues, road safety, mental health and wellbeing as well as contemporary community issues that support an individual’s growth and development.

In our junior electives, sports coaching and SLR, the focus is primarily on developing skills in activity through practical application. With these classes there is the potential for students  to achieve coaching and refereeing credentials, while reaching their full sporting capacity.

Our senior electives are celebrated with ongoing HSC excellence. Students who have engaged in PDHPE and CAFS have been successful in gaining entry to university to study medicine, physiotherapy and health sciences, while careers have been established in health care, community services and in the sport and recreation industry on completion of Y12.


STAGE 4: Y7 & Y8

STAGE 5: Y9 & Y10

STAGE 6: Y11 & Y12